WHAT IS Medical Trauma?

Medical trauma refers to the psychological and emotional distress that can arise from medical experiences, including invasive procedures, life-threatening illnesses, chronic health conditions, or negative interactions with healthcare providers. It can develop from a single overwhelming event—such as an emergency surgery or a misdiagnosis—or from repeated experiences of feeling unheard, dismissed, or harmed in medical settings.

The effects of medical trauma can be profound, leading to heightened anxiety around medical care, avoidance of doctors or hospitals, feelings of powerlessness, and even symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Many individuals with medical trauma struggle with trusting healthcare providers, fearing medical procedures, or feeling disconnected from their bodies after medical interventions.

Simply put, medical trauma can make it difficult to feel safe in your own body or to access the care you need. When medical systems fail to provide compassionate, affirming, or trauma-informed care, it can leave lasting emotional wounds.


At Resilience, we recognize the deep impact of medical trauma and offer a space for healing that centers your experiences, boundaries, and emotional safety. Whether you have endured a traumatic medical procedure, experienced medical neglect, or faced systemic barriers to care, we believe that your pain is real and valid.

In sessions, we work with you to process past medical experiences, explore the emotional and physical toll of medical trauma, and develop strategies for coping with medical anxiety and future healthcare interactions. Our goal is to help you regain a sense of control over your body and healthcare choices, rebuild trust in yourself, and navigate the medical system with greater confidence and self-advocacy.

Healing from medical trauma can also involve reconnecting with your body in ways that feel safe and empowering. We take a gentle, compassionate approach, supporting you in managing medical triggers, advocating for your needs, and reclaiming agency over your well-being.

Common signs 

  • Anxiety or panic before medical appointments

  • Avoidance of clinics, hospitals, or medical settings

  • Difficulty trusting healthcare providers

  • Emotional numbness or detachment from one’s body

  • Fear of not being believed by medical professionals

  • Feeling powerless or dissociated in medical settings

  • Flashbacks or distressing memories of past medical experiences

  • Grief related to medical experiences or diagnoses

  • Hypervigilance about health or symptoms

If you resonate with these experiences, you are not alone. Medical trauma is real, and your feelings matter. Healing is possible, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

We invite you to reach out for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help.
